Hellllooooo. . .
Just sitting at jonny boy's house...
actually, him and his dad are having an unofficial farting contest...yuck!!!
Being at home on the weekend is always good, lots of food and R & R.
Went bowling with the fam last night, should have pics up soon.
Let me tell you - - that was i n t e r e s t i n g .
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
today was a little better day. grrrrrrr. I think it's just the weather. Everyone is so sick and tired of being couped up inside and we're all going crazy! ...well, at least this girl is. I REALLY miss summer, ugghhh, i don't know why I live here even. I love winter, but seriously, my body is not made for cold - - if I had it my way, it would be 80-90' everrrrrrryday! Guess it's just an incentive of mine to go travel or move away for a while - - explore the world.
This summer is going to be a busy one for me though! - - it will be bitter-sweet, my last quarter of college! EVER! . . . Unless I go back for a double major or my master's. If I had the money, I would definitely go back right away, I mean, I'm only 21 for gosh sakes. BUUUUUT, for now, I'm going to find a job and start payin' off the old debt, and be able to support myself, since my parents are ready to cut the cord on me soon, haha. They have done more than enough for me already and I know that there are plenty of other things that my dad would rather spend his money, like the $500 rent check every month. He tells me it's an investment and he's hoping to get most of it back someday. . . which he will, for surrrrrrrrrrrrre. i hope. I just want to be able to find a job, preferrably a job that I went to school for, but with the way the economy is, I'm thinkin i'll have to settle for just about a n y t h i n g .
This is getting too deep for me. Jonny's comin' over with a red box movie. I'm going to continue to study for visual merch. djskadjlsajldjklsajdlkjsal. i should be in bed.
NIGHTYyyyyyNight. :)
today was a little better day. grrrrrrr. I think it's just the weather. Everyone is so sick and tired of being couped up inside and we're all going crazy! ...well, at least this girl is. I REALLY miss summer, ugghhh, i don't know why I live here even. I love winter, but seriously, my body is not made for cold - - if I had it my way, it would be 80-90' everrrrrrryday! Guess it's just an incentive of mine to go travel or move away for a while - - explore the world.
This summer is going to be a busy one for me though! - - it will be bitter-sweet, my last quarter of college! EVER! . . . Unless I go back for a double major or my master's. If I had the money, I would definitely go back right away, I mean, I'm only 21 for gosh sakes. BUUUUUT, for now, I'm going to find a job and start payin' off the old debt, and be able to support myself, since my parents are ready to cut the cord on me soon, haha. They have done more than enough for me already and I know that there are plenty of other things that my dad would rather spend his money, like the $500 rent check every month. He tells me it's an investment and he's hoping to get most of it back someday. . . which he will, for surrrrrrrrrrrrre. i hope. I just want to be able to find a job, preferrably a job that I went to school for, but with the way the economy is, I'm thinkin i'll have to settle for just about a n y t h i n g .
This is getting too deep for me. Jonny's comin' over with a red box movie. I'm going to continue to study for visual merch. djskadjlsajldjklsajdlkjsal. i should be in bed.
NIGHTYyyyyyNight. :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Some days. . .
I almost would rather be working a 9-5 job, easily.
This whole college thing is really starting to be more work than I ever could have imagined.
I like to take on a lot of different things, but it's really starting to wear on me.
Dealing with immature faculty members and a club that is slowly falling apart is not the greatest thing in the world to deal with, let alone midterms, constant fighting with your sister - who is also your roommate and just people in general.
Sometimes I wonder how many good people actually still exist in the world. I know that there are many, but lately is seems like the bad definitely outweighs whatever good is still out there. I don't even have my period this week, haha, TMI, but I am just drained, mentally, physically - - gahhhhhhh. I have come to the conclusion that immaturity may never actually leave a person. One of my teachers is a perfect example of that - - sometimes I feel like everyone is just out to see you fail, because their life is so shitty that it makes them feel better about themself. Also, thought this was an interesting experience - boy, you never do know what to expect living downtown. Waiting for the bus yesterday, about 5pm, guy comes up from behind me, of course I had my headphones in and politely took them out to hear what he had to say, jeez, was that a mistake. First words to come out of his mouth. . ."how old are you?" I told him 21, he then asked, "do you like fucking around with black guys?" I asked, shocked, "excuse me?" - - with the most disgusted look on my face, if looks could kill, he'd be dead right then. lol - - honestly, who asks that? how rude! I started digging in my purse for my mace, just in case things got outta hand, of course it was me and him and no one else in sight, oddly for rush hourish time. I told him that was a horrible thing to ask and was obviously annoyed, he told me that I was cute and that I was hurting his feelings, and told me that he just wanted to get to know me. I told him that I was going to school, hint hint, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. He then sort of awkwardly teared up, told him I made him cry and told me he'd talk to me later. wtf? - - Honesssssssstly, nothing nothing nothing, annoys me more than nasty ass men that think they can just talk to women like that. SOOO many men down here are like that - - hate to say it, but most of them are african american. ANWAYSSSSSSSS, :)
hmmmmmmmmmmm, sry if you had to read that, makes me feel better getting it out, even tho i've already expelled it all to Jon boy, who is always there to listen - - whether he actually does or not, idk :) Well, I'm off to Davanni's, Ai and The U of M are competing against eachother for the American Heart Association Start! Campaign. . . we are given a local/uptown business, and $125 to decorate a window for them - - we have our meet and greet meeting today, do some measuring and junk! lol, should be fun!
p.s. see how i'm trying to find a positive in all this negativity? . . . it's how i survive on a daily basis. . .
Later Days . . .
I almost would rather be working a 9-5 job, easily.
This whole college thing is really starting to be more work than I ever could have imagined.
I like to take on a lot of different things, but it's really starting to wear on me.
Dealing with immature faculty members and a club that is slowly falling apart is not the greatest thing in the world to deal with, let alone midterms, constant fighting with your sister - who is also your roommate and just people in general.
Sometimes I wonder how many good people actually still exist in the world. I know that there are many, but lately is seems like the bad definitely outweighs whatever good is still out there. I don't even have my period this week, haha, TMI, but I am just drained, mentally, physically - - gahhhhhhh. I have come to the conclusion that immaturity may never actually leave a person. One of my teachers is a perfect example of that - - sometimes I feel like everyone is just out to see you fail, because their life is so shitty that it makes them feel better about themself. Also, thought this was an interesting experience - boy, you never do know what to expect living downtown. Waiting for the bus yesterday, about 5pm, guy comes up from behind me, of course I had my headphones in and politely took them out to hear what he had to say, jeez, was that a mistake. First words to come out of his mouth. . ."how old are you?" I told him 21, he then asked, "do you like fucking around with black guys?" I asked, shocked, "excuse me?" - - with the most disgusted look on my face, if looks could kill, he'd be dead right then. lol - - honestly, who asks that? how rude! I started digging in my purse for my mace, just in case things got outta hand, of course it was me and him and no one else in sight, oddly for rush hourish time. I told him that was a horrible thing to ask and was obviously annoyed, he told me that I was cute and that I was hurting his feelings, and told me that he just wanted to get to know me. I told him that I was going to school, hint hint, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. He then sort of awkwardly teared up, told him I made him cry and told me he'd talk to me later. wtf? - - Honesssssssstly, nothing nothing nothing, annoys me more than nasty ass men that think they can just talk to women like that. SOOO many men down here are like that - - hate to say it, but most of them are african american. ANWAYSSSSSSSS, :)
hmmmmmmmmmmm, sry if you had to read that, makes me feel better getting it out, even tho i've already expelled it all to Jon boy, who is always there to listen - - whether he actually does or not, idk :) Well, I'm off to Davanni's, Ai and The U of M are competing against eachother for the American Heart Association Start! Campaign. . . we are given a local/uptown business, and $125 to decorate a window for them - - we have our meet and greet meeting today, do some measuring and junk! lol, should be fun!
p.s. see how i'm trying to find a positive in all this negativity? . . . it's how i survive on a daily basis. . .
Later Days . . .
Monday, February 22, 2010
Yikes. Rant post, reader beware. ;]
It was SUCH a BEAUTIFUL day today. Buuuut, with the good, there is always some bad. . .
Things I DESPISE about Downtown/Nicollet Mall:
Have a lovely dayyyyyyyyyy! :)
Things I DESPISE about Downtown/Nicollet Mall:
- Creepy people
- People begging for money (I realize some can't help that)
- Police cars, and the people that cause them to park on the sidewalks
- People that budge in front of you in the bus line, welcome back to elementary school!
- Concrete everywhere
- The pigeons that don't move or fly extremely low (buzz you) I swear they find that hilarious
- Cat calls - - I'm going to start wearing a snow suit to and from school, ugh
- Crazy drivers
- Snow
- Loud, loud fire truck sirens, I swear, every 10 mins., roooOOOOOooooOROOOooooOOO.
- There are more, but now I just feel like I'm ranting again. :)
- A man that plays a trumpet as the sound echoes throughout the buildings
- Tall buildings
- The hustle and bustle - - there are always people on the go! 6, 7, 8am is their forte
- Diversity
- Looking like crap one day and not caring because you don't know anyone, anyway
- Shoe shopping at Macy's or Target on my break between classes (spending money that I obviously should be spending else) ;] - - nahh, i'm good, promise.
- Public transportation, cheap - - compared to parking and convenient
- Happy hour on breaks from class with the ladies, ahhh, wish I could do that more often
- There are many more...
Have a lovely dayyyyyyyyyy! :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Great Outdoors
This weekend was an interesting one. . .
Of course, I spent it with Jon-boy, so I didn't get much done.
...Plenty of rest though!
We were craving some wild life action, so we washed our cars and then headed to the Wood Lake Nature Center, in Richfield. It wasn't much, just a few hiking/x-country skiing paths, but we took a little stroll, anyway. It was such a nice day!
Of course, I spent it with Jon-boy, so I didn't get much done.
...Plenty of rest though!
We were craving some wild life action, so we washed our cars and then headed to the Wood Lake Nature Center, in Richfield. It wasn't much, just a few hiking/x-country skiing paths, but we took a little stroll, anyway. It was such a nice day!

I was playin' with this cat tail, the one I believe I stole from Jon, because he kept walking behind me, poking me in the butt. hhh.

All of the outdoor excitement and sunshine made me think of spring. I can feel it, and it's (hopefully) right around the corner!!
Over & Out. :)
Yayyyy! . . .for a new blog.
Sooooo, it's been over 6 years since I have blogged last, weird, I know. I had one on xanga, in high school, just read over it, and realized how much I miss doing it. I like writing, a lot, and it's even more fun to go back and read about how your life was back in the day, even though it really wasn't that long ago! So much has changed since high school, so it's probably good that I start 'er up again!
Let's see, I am in my last year of college, what the hell, scary. I will be done on September 26th, 2010, officially. Boy, have I been counting down to that date for a while now. I am having bitter sweet emotions about the whole ordeal. I am ready for a change. I have been living downtown for over 2 years now, and it's exciting, but maybe a little TOO exciting for this country girl. The city has definitely made me grow up a little faster than what I have anticipated, as well as, bills, school expenses and just living on your own, in general. Erin has been going to MCTC and living with me since August and she will be moving out already in May, good lord, has the year flown by! Times have changed a lot since we were little, sharing our bedroom together, it was a little easier back then to share a closet, food and, of course, space - - But we make it work!
I am hoping that I will get my internship with ShopNBC in the summer, and hopefully even secure a full time job with them. Everything is so up in the air right now, I just have to remind myself to take one day at a time - - which is a little difficult for this planner. I would really like to stay in the city-area after I graduate, but a huge part of me just wants to say goodbye to the city and move closer to home - - st. cloud area. I realize that there is quite a smaller job market in that area, and after graduation, paying off my loans will probably be my number one concern. LAME. It is a little disheartening to think that you have to start out your young life being in debt. But, I guess, to make yourself a 'better' person and go to school, that is the price you pay! I realize that I have the rest of my life to pay these damn loans off, but trust me, I would rather use my hard-earned money on paying back what I have already spent. Hmm, but that's life.
Anyways, I'm just ranting now. Which is another good part about a blog, it helps you to cool off a little - - alleviate some stress. I am SOOOO happy that Jonny is back from Canada. I wish I could have gone with him, because it looks like he had a great time, however, I wouldn't be so fond of going on a trip with a bunch of guys - - they stink, lol, kidding . . . or am i? With the phone service, or lack thereof, it was also really hard texting him a couple times a day. Talking on the phone once a day was lame, also, especially when you're used to seeing him as often as I do. It makes me appreciate what I have even more. ahhhh, cute! :)
Let's see, I am in my last year of college, what the hell, scary. I will be done on September 26th, 2010, officially. Boy, have I been counting down to that date for a while now. I am having bitter sweet emotions about the whole ordeal. I am ready for a change. I have been living downtown for over 2 years now, and it's exciting, but maybe a little TOO exciting for this country girl. The city has definitely made me grow up a little faster than what I have anticipated, as well as, bills, school expenses and just living on your own, in general. Erin has been going to MCTC and living with me since August and she will be moving out already in May, good lord, has the year flown by! Times have changed a lot since we were little, sharing our bedroom together, it was a little easier back then to share a closet, food and, of course, space - - But we make it work!
I am hoping that I will get my internship with ShopNBC in the summer, and hopefully even secure a full time job with them. Everything is so up in the air right now, I just have to remind myself to take one day at a time - - which is a little difficult for this planner. I would really like to stay in the city-area after I graduate, but a huge part of me just wants to say goodbye to the city and move closer to home - - st. cloud area. I realize that there is quite a smaller job market in that area, and after graduation, paying off my loans will probably be my number one concern. LAME. It is a little disheartening to think that you have to start out your young life being in debt. But, I guess, to make yourself a 'better' person and go to school, that is the price you pay! I realize that I have the rest of my life to pay these damn loans off, but trust me, I would rather use my hard-earned money on paying back what I have already spent. Hmm, but that's life.
Anyways, I'm just ranting now. Which is another good part about a blog, it helps you to cool off a little - - alleviate some stress. I am SOOOO happy that Jonny is back from Canada. I wish I could have gone with him, because it looks like he had a great time, however, I wouldn't be so fond of going on a trip with a bunch of guys - - they stink, lol, kidding . . . or am i? With the phone service, or lack thereof, it was also really hard texting him a couple times a day. Talking on the phone once a day was lame, also, especially when you're used to seeing him as often as I do. It makes me appreciate what I have even more. ahhhh, cute! :)
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