I must start taking this blog thing more seriously. haha. I suppose I did have a good excuse, being that last week was final's week and all. I would look very productive if this thing was updated every day, now would I? Yeah, so pretty much Monday through Friday of last week was hell and a lot to do. The week was filled with tests, projects and presentations, like usual. The frosting on the cake was Friday, when myself and my partner from my Visual Merchandising class decorated the Uptown Davanni's window, for the American Heart Association Start! Campaign. About 10 or so groups from Ai will be competing with 13 other groups from the U of M. We were all given a business to work with and, ultimately, arranged a design in their window that sort of kicked off the Start! Campaign. Our window will be up for a month and voting takes place from the 10th of April til about the 27th. . .I believe. It's pretty cool, because winners get all sorts of press, as well as the business - - great opp. for both the students to show-off some talent and businesses to get involved with the community. Here are some of the pics of our lovely work! :)

What else is new? I decided that since today is my first day of spring break, I would try and devote most of it to 1] relaxation 2] finding an internship 3] finding a job if I don't find an internship. OK! I did not think it would be this HARD to find a dang internship. You would think that someone would take me in, under their wing, haha . . . I'm not even asking for it to be paid. However, I am a STRONG believer that everything happens for a reason and there is some messed up reason why I am not supposed to have one just yet. SOOOO, I believe my best bet right now is to intern with my uncle, Kevin Durken at The Boot Shack, in St. Cloud, MN. It is a small business, but they need some help setting up some technology, since they still do everything by hand - - inventory, transactions, everything! Yikes. I have to talk to him tonight, but it's looking like my best option, especially because this would take place over my month-long break this summer and I could stay home AND be productive! :)
Time will tell. . . there is a lot going on for me, at this point in time, and I guess I just have to learn to let things fall into place -- I am a HUGE planner, but I am getting better at going with the flow. Jon-boy's still in Boston and he is coming back tomorrow eve. I miss him. :) BUUUUt, we will be reunited soon! I am excited for the easter festivities, since I'll be home from Thursday to Sunday. . . then school will start up again Monday, April 5th. Hopefully I can update before then!! haha.

A snapshot of the lovely easter tree that Erin and I set up over the weekend . . .
take care all! :)