As a whole, the world celebrated Earth Day 2012, this past Monday. One special day, named to honor and recognize the miraculous planet that we live on. My hope is that most of us try to recognize, honor and respect the earth every day. As for me, my connection with nature and our mother earth is only becoming stronger. I have been a city dweller for the past 5 1/2 years, but mind, body and soul have pretty much stayed in the rural countryside, where I was born, raised and lived for all 18 years of prior existence. I'm longing for it and I can no longer ignore it.
I miss the woods, trees, the fields, the birds, the green, the stars in the night sky, dirt, the crunchy leaves, butterflies and the sun. I miss it all and more. For me, it's time to transition back to the basics, back to my roots, but in my own way.
Earth Day 2012 was extra special, because after weeks of devoted composition, The Peace Project's first 'sign' of life, a true labor of love, is standing proudly; no turning back now!