Trash Couture - - the hip, new trend - - that is making its way out of garbage cans and into our closets.
Fashion is constantly evolving, as new trends are created, the old ones are out (a reference to Miss Heidi Klum). Although most trends seem to be brand new, they are usually just reinventions of the past. I find it eerie, yet amazing, that I enjoy snooping through my mom or grandma’s closets and usually find something that I would wear, just because fashion does repeat itself and most of the styles that were worn twenty years ago have come back into the mainstream market, probably a few times. A new trend caught my eye when I was watching an episode of MTV’s The City. The episode featured Ke$ha, who is a current pop star, prepping for a photo shoot for Elle Magazine.

Celebrity frontrunners of this trend, include Ke$ha, Alison Goldfrapp and Lady Gaga. All of these famous faces are known for pushing boundaries, in multiple ways, and stirring the ‘fashion pot,’ so to speak. One cannot help but wonder if their love of trash is really just another ploy to gain attention and get people talking. For many reasons, I believe that it is just a matter of time before this trend goes mainstream. As I was wandering in the mall, the other day, I couldn’t help but be surprised at the lack of retailers hopping on the ‘trash couture’ bandwagon. Although the trend is fairly new, you’d think someone would step up.
Okay, I admit, the trend is definitely out there, as far as edginess is concerned, but isn’t every trend at some point in time? Celebrities, admired and mimicked by millions, are donning garbage bags and cardboard boxes, causing uproar, increasing their popularity and, ultimately, gaining interest. It’s a bit crazy to see that retailers, being slightly blind, are not even incorporating small pieces of the trend into their current inventories.
Is the recession causing retailers to be more cautious and less avant garde when it comes to what they carry in their stores? Definitely. Are they missing out on satisfying consumer demand and extra profits? Most likely. Trends spread like wild fire and if your business is the first to carry that, oh-so-in-demand, garbage bag dress, you are likely to reap the benefits. That little fish or consumer, in the sea of many, is waiting to catch the bait, or a new trend. Retailers must be ahead of the trend, in order to become the trend.
In these current times, the economy is suffering and is in a very negative state. The United States is still, actively involved in war, which has contributed greatly to the national debt. Jobs are harder to come by, since many businesses cannot afford to keep all of its employees. People are focusing their money towards what they need versus what they want.
Also, the concept of recycling is ‘in.’ Companies like Plato’s Closet and Goodwill are as popular as ever. Both online clothing swaps and clothing swap parties are becoming increasingly popular. Trash Couture makes the concept of wearing old, worn clothes trendy, as well as digging through your trash (to an extent), to accessorize, extremely acceptable – plus, it doesn’t get much cheaper than that! I believe that consumers will embrace this trend, simply because, everyone’s got trash, everyone likes to be unique now and again, and celebrities are doing it. How many more reasons do retailers or consumers need?
Images courtesy of:
The Slog
MTV Style
Inventor Spot
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