And this girl couldn't ask for more.
When I think about all of the occurrences that have taken place during the past year, I cannot believe just how lucky I really am and just how much can actually happen within 365 days. Let us reflect on some personal highlights of 2010...shall we?!

[3] Moved out of the one bedroom apartment with my sis, downtown (bunk beds and all) and moved back into a studio to finish up my last few months of school.
[4] A NEW addition to the Barrick family: Breck James Barrick was born April 26th. It's so fun to see how much he's grown already!
[5] Countless interviews, while I was in school.
[6] Taking 5 classes and an internship. During the Summer. My last quarter in school.
[7] FINALLY found an internship after MONTHS of searching - as a Marketing Assistant for Ms. Erika Lyremark and The Daily Whip.
[8] Spent my last few months as the VP of Communications and Membership for the Fashion Forward club and planning events like crazy.
[9] Bailing hay at home, for MAYBE the last time - since we sold ALL of our cows before winter hit.
[10] My last Glamorama in the second row...EVER...or at least until I'm able to afford the $800 seat tickets.
[11] Spent an hour with Mr. William Clark in his studio, an amazing fashion photographer that lives in uptown.
[12] Took a photography class during my last quarter, TONS of work, but SO glad I did.
[13] Submitted my Spring 2011 Ready-to-Wear Trend Forecast in the Summer 2010 Student Juried Show at AI, and won in the Management category. My works were featured in a month-long gallery exhibition.
[14] Jon started school at Augsburg - where he also plays hockey - and we moved into our first place together - FINALLY. I couldn't be happier with our decision. It's been great.
[15] Graduation and portfolio show took place at the end of September, where I took Best in Show for Fashion and Retail Management.
[16] Aggressive searching in the employment department and several meetings with some pretty important people to find a job in this shitty economy.
[17] Started a job, in October, as a Market Research Assistant for Leede Research..have learned so much already.
[18] My boy finally turned 21.
[19] Graduation ceremony (cap and gown day) took place middle of December - a day I'll never forget.
[20] Christmas marked a lot of firsts for us: Christmas cards, Christmas tree and our first big purchase - a massive, LCD, tv - now we just need a new entertainment center to fit the beast. One thing at a time.. ;][21] Finding out my family will be heading to Hawaii, in exchange for Christmas presents this year - What a gift.
Here's to a great year - Soo much has changed and I anticipate many more changes/happenings within just the next couple of months - - I am soo excited to see what the next will bring...
Have a safe New Year Eve all! and remember,
Photo via weheartit.
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