Nestled in thee ever-so fabbbulous Litchfield, Minnesota is one of my favorite places. Ever since I can remember, my grandma has worked there - when she's not busy making baby quilts for the church, planting that 50 square feet of a garden, or baking (kolaches, prune dumplings, strudel..mmm), she practically volunteers as a lovely saleswoman at the co-op. Keep in mind, people, this active lady is 83 years old! When I was young, my favorites were the honeysticks, the assortment of Burt's Bees goodies, soy nuts (still are), the dried bananas, and the list goes on. Well, now I can add a couple more favorites to my list. Thanks GRAMS, youdabest!
Salt Free Seasoning: A great mixture that you can literally toss into anything and it will make a world of a difference! It consists of onion, parsley, basil, lemon peel, thyme, garlic, celery and red bell pepper - talk about mouthgasm.
Veggie Pepper: I love this mixture of black pepper, onion, garlic, celery flakes and red bell pepper. I also noticed Non Irradiated labeled on the cute little, baby food learn more about what this means, click.

Veggie Broth: Last, and certainly not least, a teaspoon of this lovely powder mixes perfectly with a cup of warm water. Making it much cheaper than buying Vegetarian Swanson Vegetable Broth by the can, it's also much healthier, because it's sodium-free.
All three of these wonderful additions made life much simpler (not to mention tastier) when I made this hearty POT of soup (fresh from scratch, yesterday). MMMm.
For more information about the Natural Foods Co-op & Market, click.
For more information about the Natural Foods Co-op & Market, click.
My ma has been in the co-op probably more times than the actual grocery store, lately...LOVE it. I'm going to have to go with her one of these times and say 'Hello' to your Grandma! What a busy lady!