It's been a little while, my little lambchops.
And, although I took a tiny break from blogging - it was, by no means, considered to me a break. LAWWWWd - this girl has been given a triple dose of life in the real world. Work. Medical bills. Rent. Electric. Job searching. More work. Loan repayment. Loan payments. Hoping for more work. Parking ticket(s) - yes, plural. Shh. Don't tell my dad. Expired tabs. Damn you, undrivable, stationary car. Hence the several tickets for expired tabs. Yes, several. There is a silver lining, people, I promise. Car searching is stressful (another loan, indecisiveness, lack of time - or motivation) - buying a car, in general, is no walk in the park. But, ever since my car went kerplunk in a rando. parking lot, I figured it's time to find something more reliable. After 2 months of browsing (luckily I have a nice boyfriend, that lives on campus and doesn't really have use for his vehicle) we have it narrowed down to a few:
I'm a sucker for the small hatchbacks (which are, not to be underestimated, fucking AMAZINGLY efficient and get 35-40 MPGs. Yum. Even my little neon was a gas-guzzler. Plus, they're cute. Honda Fit. Chevy Aveo. Ford Fiesta. Scion XD. Toyota Yaris = LOVE. I am in love with everything about that car. The other front-runners are great as well, but they're either too cheap (yes, it's possible), too spendy, or too roomy, and again, that's possible. I'm little, I don't want to feel like I'm driving a mini-van. And no, lovely boyfriend, I will not fall for the whole, room-for-growth BS, simply because you like the extra head room. I'll keep you posted on Kelsey's-Search-for-a-Car Extravaganza. Stay tuned.

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