Monday, April 26, 2010

A Baby Story & Food Network. . .

Two guilty pleasures of mine.

Today is a lazy day, with only one class, blahhhh.
After spending a busy, but restful weekend in litch, it's nice to sit down to a couple of my faves. It's funny how I love both of these shows so much, because most of them just prove my want to be domesticated. [babies and baking] oh well, i love 'em. I usually try and get Jonner to watch them with me, by telling him that A Baby Story is good birth control for him. He also gets a kick out of me watching the Food Network, just because I'm not as avid of a 'chef' as I want to be, HELLLOOOoo, I'm in college, anything cheap and easy usually does the trick! I am now into my 4th week of Spring quarter, and let me tell you, I am SOOO ready to be done. The shitty thing about my school is that it runs on quarters, therefore, when everyone's out enjoying their summer or making money, I am in school - - which usually consists of highly air-conditioned buildings - NOT necessary. OH well, I will be done in September, THEREFORE, it will be my LAST summer in school, EVER! - - at least, that's the plan for now, unless I win the lottery or decide that it's worth it all to go back again. Although I have lined up a summer, unpaid internship, I am still on the prowl for a paid one. I mean, why not? I guess I still have til mid-June, so hopefully I get some calls back. Note that keyword. ;]

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