Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Newfound Love:

It all started about a month ago - I was sitting at work, wondering where I should go/what I should do for my break, usually I eat, but it was a short day and I was feeling adventurous. And then, it happened, I discovered Bachman's for the very first time. It doesn't help that it's adjacent to work! I didn't realize they had all of this shabby chic/vintage decor and pots, pots, pots GALORE (not meant to rhyme, but I'm keepin' it). I bought a pretty, glazed one...for $3.99 (pictures to come) - Needless to say, it has inspired a windowsill full of pots and (as if this were not already an issue) even more of a green thumb than I already have.
Here it is, my current Bachman's wish list (it could change tomorrow, people - as I am unsure what their approximate turnover rate is or product shipment date - but that would be useful. hmm. I digress.

Recipe: Strawberry Rhubarb Slush

Tis the season for rhubarb!
As I was home for the long weekend, I was craving some sort of summery drink, but I didn't have a whole lot of time or ingredients. Although I found many recipes online, I opted to tweak this one - it seemed to be the most simple. Instead of the 8 c. of 'barb the recipe called for, I subbed some fresh/frozen strawberries from Leafblad's last summer, that I dug out of my freezer. Even though I altered the amount of ingredients, a huge batch was still concocted. Which worked out - summer in a glass two nights in a row for this lucky lady and our Memorial Day guests.

2.5-3 c. of chopped rhubarb
2 c. frozen strawberries
about 2 qts. of water

Boil until tender.
Sugar, to taste
1/2-1 pkg. of strawberry JELLO - add to taste, sugary.
1/2 c. lemon juice
Desired amount of vodka, smirnoff, bacardi - what have you.

Freeze in ice cream pail. Stir every hour until slushy and before serving. If you so choose, add more alcohol. To serve - fill glass 1/2 full of slush add 7-UP, club soda or gingerale. Please observe my serving glass of choice: the fabulous mason jar. And if the weather doesn't say summer, the drink will.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May Downpours Bring...

Sunny skies lead to golden tans - if you've seen me lately, you'd probably need your shades, because I'm so pasty. Please stop, rain! Please come, SUN! On a positive note, (the thinking of a glass-half-full type) rainbows have been popping up everywhere lately. This past weekend, the end of one was spotted right above the farm. The clouds, themselves, were also sights to see.
Now, if only I could find that damn pot of gold.

Pretty Hens and Chicks...

All in a row.
I finally found a better home for my little sedums. I wanted something shallow, and almost oriental looking. When I first transplanted them into such a small amount of dirt, I wasn't quite sure if they'd make it. After talking with a lady at Bachman's, she reassured me that they would be fine. She also advised me not to water them a ton, since they are in the same family as cacti. It's been a couple of weeks and they're still kickin, and I think I'm even noticing some growth! - So I think we're good! This, coming from someone that has, in fact, killed a cactus. Whoops.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today I Ate a Rainbow.

Making fruits and veggies even more fun.
This blog, The Vegetarian Salmon, is pretty much like a bible to me. The author is very observant, strong-willed and keeps things simple. Every now and again, she mentions her vegetarian one-year-old (crazy, huh?). It gets me to thinking what it might mean some day, for my children. Something tells me I will not force a particular diet on them one way or another - with or without meat consumption, but it opens my eyes to the correct, healthy way of going about it.
Although she is raising her daughter, little Serafina, in a veg manner, she is definitely more concerned about a balanced diet, as she switches up her meals so much so, that picky habits are almost nonexistent. Impressive. She shared information about an interactive way for children to be more involved in their diets and teach them healthy habits, all in the name of fun! Today I Ate a Rainbow has gained a great amount of attention due to one of their most popular products, a magnetic, refridgerator chart that allows children to mark when they have eaten a red, orange, yellow, green or purple fruit or vegetable. Something good for the adults to get in on, as well. It's brilliant.

HeatherMarie Photography

At Minnehaha Falls.
Jon and I volunteered to be models for a photographer and a friend of mine. It was a little different being on the other side of the camera, for a change. Trying to make our actions seem as natural as possible wasn't the easiest, either. Jon had a tough time with the PDA. And no, no, noo - These are NOT engagement pics, people, haha. But, nonetheless, I think they turned out pretty well.

© HeatherMarie Photography

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Woman Should be Two Things:

Fearless and Fabulous: with the ability to say, "I don't give a f***, every once and a while."
I am so grateful to be blessed with such beautiful, independent and wise women that have been a dominant part of my life - hmmm, maybe that's why I'm such a stubborn feminist (and I wouldn't have it any other way). I have already introduced you to one of my grandmas - and here's the other, she goes by the name "Grandma Gritz." At a youthful 63 years old, she doesn't hesitate a bit when asked if she wants to try her arm in a harmless game of beer pong! WATCH OUT, GRANDMA'S COMIN' TO PLAY!

A Mid-day Stroll in Serenity

An afternoon at Minnehaha Falls.
We are lucky to live in such a diverse area - a couple of minutes to the downtown attractions as well as good ol' Mississippi, and much more. It's nice to be able to get away from the hustle-like-bustle of the city - we since have discovered one of our favorite spots to do so. The trails that run alongside the falls are so great - allowing you to really get lost in the beauty of the nature around you. A friend from school recently asked Jon and myself to be her models at the Falls and I got a chance to see a few of them today - more to come. Here are just a few, more casual shots from a lazy day of exploration.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I'm always in awe at the beauty of the farm, especially during this time of year - planting season and flowers awakening to the warm sun.