Monday, October 11, 2010

soup from a stone. . .

fancy that.
I know you all remember that childhood fable and it's something that I have in mind (don't know exactly why) every time I make my own creation of an AMAZINGggg soup. Although it doesn't quite feel like fall in MN yet, since it's been in the 80s for the past week and will continue to be in the upper 70s for the next, it's always good to keep in mind food for the soul, for those colllllld, long, winter months. Sorry to remind you. I'm not looking forward to it either - I HATE being cold. I eat this soup often, especially when it's chilly, blustery, what have you - it never ceases to satisfy. Plus, it's extremely healthy, which I know I shouldn't be concerned with even a tiny bit, since I need to start packing on the 'insulation' for winterrrrrrr.

Cheap, Easy Vegetarian Vegetable-Noodle Soup.
Needed: Medium-sized pot
To make a larger pot – double recipe
2 – 14oz. cans of Swanson Vegetarian Vegetable Broth
2 – medium-sized potatoes (I prefer garden/red potatoes)
2 – cups of egg noodles (I usually opt for the wide/extra wide)
1 – large carrot, peeled and coined
½ - cup of red/yellow onion - chopped/thinly sliced
½ - cup of whole kernel (canned) corn
½ - cup of frozen peas
½ - cup of thinly sliced celery
Salt & pepper to taste – I usually add veggie pepper.
And ANY other veggies you care for – string beans, broccoli, cauliflower…

1] Mix vegetable broth, celery, onions and potatoes – set on medium heat
2] When potatoes start getting tender, add rest of veggies – carrots, corn, peas
3] Keep on medium to high heat until desired texture of veggies is met – TASTE OFTEN :)
4] I usually go about noodles this way – in a separate pot/pan – boil noodles until they are al dente, strain and pour into the soup, once it’s done cooking.


  1. Such a beautiful blog :) Thanks for having me on your blogroll :) I'll add you to mine right now. xoxo
    Ps: your music is lovely!

