Friday, July 8, 2011

Royal Blues?

Prince William Beats Kate in a Friendly Dragon Boat Race read the number one, most read title for the week, on Really? I’m not sure about you, but I find myself getting bored with this couple. As lovely and dashing as they are, do we, as normal beings, really believe that we can relate to them?
The media is fabulous at projecting that fairytale image on a screen, which is blanketed over the world, for our viewing pleasure. For many of us, their public tale brings hope. Hope that maybe someday our Prince William, errrr Charming will sweep us away from our reality. For the others that indulge in the predictable romance, it’s hard to put a finger on what exactly it is about William and Kate that makes one as giddy as a child unwrapping that boxed-up pup on Christmas morning. I feel as though my expressed boredom is explained through my personal relationship attributes and the comparison between the two. They’re rich; we’re poor(er). They’re royalty, we’re plain folk. They live in a mansion; we just moved into a two bedroom and think it’s pretty damn spacious. They take lavish trips all over the world, we take camping trips. Ok, ok, like morning fog, my confusion is beginning to clear. Both tabloids and royalty can be seen as escapes from reality. And, whether you’re booing or drooling over the duo, magazines will not be going out of business any time soon, so you (and, mostly, I) better get used to it.

What can be done in the meantime is a little relationship renovation: royal-style. Fellas, treat your women to fresh cut flowers, a lush bubble bath with some champagne and strawberries, with music playing and lighting to set the mood (SO old school, but for good reason; works like a charm). Ladies, buy your men a round of golf or give him the go ahead to just be manly with friends for the day (for most males, the less materialistic, the better). On the other hand, a nice hand or neck massage with hot oils or rock therapy could do the trick. Something that could be done together: make a luscious red velvet cake, or your local grocer’s best version: and, voila! Inexpensive treating here and there can make the dull, dreamy. You’re worth it. He’s worth it. Who knows, you may even outshine ‘Big Willie’ and ‘Side-Hat-McGee,’ errr Middleton. A personal vow: whenever a Will and Kate headline flashes before my eyes, I will treat my man or myself, of course, to some cheap, yet oh-so-satisfying, luxury. I’d like to think of it as a win-win for us all.

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