Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kabobs. . .

vs. the LARGE fry.

So, this past weekend, Jon and I decided that we wanted to make a good supper, while we were at home in Litch. We like cooking together and he's been on some sort of a health kick for a while now. We decided on kabobs - quite simple, cut up some veggies (our faves include: PINEAPPLE (mmm-sry, fruit), cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, red onion, green and red pepper. . we're def. going to add some garden potatoes when they come!)- add meats of choice - and throw 'em on the grill (add some rice for a filler). Since I only eat fish, and shrimp is still 'OK' by me, that was mine. Chicky for Jon, classsssssic. Turned out AMAzzzzzzzing! Who would have thunk it? - - We were proud and so in love that we made them again last night - - of course they turned out even better! Maybe that's because we were so hungry, but either way. :)

A few hours later, Miss "High-Metabolism" Me, decided that supper was just too healthy and I was cravin' the grease. Luckily, Jon knows me too well and I just hAAAAAAAAd to have my large McD's french fry. And the clouds opened up and the angels sang.

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