Saturday, December 4, 2010

Julie & Julia.

What a GREAT movie.
With the unplowed roads, it's a perfect day to sit inside, cozy up on my couch with some veggie soup, hot tea and a movie - just how relaxing does that sound? Days like these should never be an option - they are a necessity. Hands down. Unless your looking for a recipe to make yourself crazy, then I would suggest NOT taking breaks from time to time. :) If you haven't seen the movie, Julie & Julia yet, I highly recommend it. Not really knowing what to expect before I watched it, I am utterly suprised. Not only is it an interesting movie about Julia Child's fascinating life, but it also based on a second, true story about Julie, a woman feeling like she is going nowhere in her life or career, and is one year away from her 30th birthday - that must be a scary thought. After deciding that she is going to cook through Julia Child's cookbook and blog about every single recipe, Julie finds herself and takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster, with her, in the process. She is simply the definition of personal branding and going out on a whim - doing something out of the ordinary - and getting recognition for it, even if there are doubters, naysayers, what have you (shout out to Ms. Erika Lyremark). I was also suprised to see the actual blog's link pop up, when I googled it ( )- which made it all the more fun. I am unsure if the story inspires me to cook through the entirety of a cookbook, but it does push me to blog more regularly.

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