Sunday, November 7, 2010


the movie.
Anyone that really knows me, could probably acknowledge that I've had baby fever ever since I was, well, a baby - as I played with my little dolls. It's definitely not something that I want at this point in time, but when that day comes, I will be soooo ready. Yesterday, I finally got the chance to watch the BABIES documentary and I was absolutely astonished by what I saw. The movie followed four, different babies, from extremely unique areas around the world: Mongolia, California (mmm not so much), Namibia and Japan.

Although the environmental differences were eye-opening, the solid similarities that resonated throughout the relationships between mother and child were even more intriguing. It just goes to show that there really isn't a right way to raise a child. I felt that there was a definite presence of overstimulation among the babies living in both California and Japan. These mothers were also quite active - constantly teaching their babies (bringing them to singing/dancing groups, reading to them) - - everything that we, in civilized areas, consider to be normal and best. The Mongolian and Namibian babies were definitely my favorites. They were so content with being alone, were extremely independent, rarely whined or cried and discovered everything for themselves. The mothers were usually close by, but definitely weren't doting over their child's every move. Also, there were no doctor appointments, medicines or even baths on a regular basis. Growing up in America, I was a little digusted by this, at first - and felt sympathy towards the babies growing up in a more uncivilized manner. However, by the end of the movie, I changed my mind and the sympathy was, instead, felt for the little girls - who were growing up in concrete jungles and already resisting conformity at just months old.


  1. bought it on BluRay and love it! after seeing the African babyies lives, I no longer run to wash my baby's toys when they fall on the floor! ...great movie.

    and even if you aren't planning, babies still end up just.. happening!! :)

  2. I want to see this movie! Saw the trailer and loved it!
    Lovely post!
    Boho Market Blog
